Apr 11, 2009

Pes 2009 Xbox360 Professional Patch

(by Essen6982,Digitaldesaster,pes9 3,Zellmen,Seanjean)


-Bundesliga for Eredivise (Player, Kits, Logos etc.)
-chants for all teams (Bundesliga, England League, etc.)
-all Transfers done (on disk)
-Kits and logos for all teams, Leagues and cup´s
-Boots and Balls
-New menu + menumusic
-Adidas Trainingkits for be a legend
- And many more

This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 640x480.
This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 640x480.


cv0a.rar - FileFront.com

cv01.rar - FileFront.com

cv02.rar - FileFront.com

cv05.rar - FileFront.com

cv09 Ordner
cv09.rar - FileFront.com


cv06.part01.rar - FileFront.com
cv06.part02.rar - FileFront.com
cv06.part03.rar - FileFront.com
cv06.part04.rar - FileFront.com
cv06.part05.rar - FileFront.com
cv06.part06.rar - FileFront.com
cv06.part07.rar - FileFront.com
cv06.part08.rar - FileFront.com
cv06.part09.rar - FileFront.com
cv06.part10.rar - FileFront.com
cv06.part11.rar - FileFront.com

cs0d.part01.rar - FileFront.com
cs0d.part02.rar - FileFront.com
cs0d.part03.rar - FileFront.com
cs0d.part04.rar - FileFront.com
cs0d.part05.rar - FileFront.com
cs0d.part06.rar - FileFront.com
cs0d.part07.rar - FileFront.com
cs0d.part08.rar - FileFront.com
cs0d.part09.rar - FileFront.com
cs0d.part10.rar - FileFront.com
cs0d.part11.rar - FileFront.com

For playing this on NTSC version

Originally Posted by Bahnzo View Post
Ok, I've got the NTSC files figured out....finally...you guys owe me 5 DL discs

Sorry, I had to leave out the new menus, but that was the only thing. For some reason they were causing the game to hang when loading a match. Everything else is here tho, the transfers, the German League, and chants and new music as well. I have to say "well done!" on the chants, they are a huge difference in the game.

Simply download this file and import the .img files over the ones in the game. You'll not need to download the cv02, cv05 and the rv0c_e from Essens patch, these are ones I needed to change are included in the RAR.
Also, with the unnamed_31 and unnamed_914 files from Essen in the cv09 folder, you will need to rename these to unnamed_36.bin and unnamed_920.bin and then insert them into the cv09.img file. For some reason those are different file numbers from the PAL version, but they fit exactly into the NTSC, just at a different location.




This patch do not work with the Konami Update. And you have to delete your Optionfile and clear your cache if you had harddrive.

HEXUS.gaming reports that a cache clear code has been discovered for the Xbox 360 hard drive via the dashboard's system blade. To perform the function, access 'memory' in the system blade, and then highlight the hard drive. Now press: Y, X, X, LB, RB, X, X. The following message should appear: "Do you want to perform maintenance on your Xbox 360 storage devices?"

If you initiate maintenance, the hard drive's cache will be cleared, including all software updates. Theoretically, this function could be used to un-update Oblivion in order to regain access to the unlimited gold and item duplication glitches. Note: we have not tested this function."


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- Most importantly a Modded/flashed xbox 360

- Game graphic studio 7.4.0

- Clean iso of Pes2009

- Dual Layer disc (verbatims or Aone plus, make sure xbox360 compatable)

- Winrar or similar Program

- Imgburn or similar program

- Patch of your choice!

- Pes2009 Clean iso

- If you have a backup copy extract iso from that, or you can rip a iso from original game disc using a samsung drive flashed with kreon firmware using imgburn or similar applications, using read mode or download one.

- Downloading a Patch

- Make sure you download every part.

- Use Winrar or similar program to unpack into files needed to insert.

Importing files into Clean iso
****************************** **

1:- Open clean iso using game graphics studio.(the parts of your iso will appear in the box on the top left side).

2:- Select which part(eg cv_06) it is you want to Import/Edit( Answer no to pop up questions, Part loads and box underneath fills with files (Unnamed_1 etc).

3:- Right click same part(eg cv_06) select import files over this one.

4:- Select downloaded/unpacked cv_06 file from the patch you downloaded.(if done correctly a bar graph will appear at the top of main window)

5:- Click ok on file has been imported pop up.

6:- Repeat from no: 2 for each/all parts.

7:- When all parts imported close Game Graphic studio.(No need to save)

How to burn

- Insert New Dual layer disc. (xbox360 compatable)

- Either open imgburn and select small file in pes2009 folder with the iso in (either .MDS or .DVD file) or just double click same file or right click open with imgburn.

- Set speed to x2.4 and click burn.

Thanks to Bolloxmasta for this great english tutorial

PC-Of konvertierung,Hexediting-Digitaldesaster
chants und Musik-pes93

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